Gundam Info, the official international Gundam YouTube channel, has announced they will be adding additional regions to their viewability for Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury episodes. In September, it was announced that anime distributor Crunchyroll would be exclusively streaming the series outside Asia and regions in Oceania.
Gundam Info will begin streaming episodes to North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, The Middle East, Southeast Asia, Oceania with the schedule as followed.
Episode 1: 12/31 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 2: 1/7 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 3: 1/14 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 4: 1/21 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 5: 1/28 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 6: 2/4 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 7: 2/18 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 8: 2/25 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 9: 3/4 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 10: 3/11 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 11: 3/25 5:30 PM (JST)
Episode 12: 4/8 5:30 PM (JST)
Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury is set to finish its first cour broadcast January 8, 2023 and resume with its second cour, April 2023. From January to March, TV editions of Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash, Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt and Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative will air in its 5pm time-slot.
Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury is directed by Kiznaiver‘s Hiroshi Koyabashi, and penned by Code Geass scribe, Ichiro Ohkouchi. The tagline of the series is “This witch…rides a Gundam”. The series began broadcast October 2, 2022 on twenty-eight of MBS and TBS TV networks on their 5pm “Nichigo” anime block, as well as simulcasted internationally.
Source: Gundam Info
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