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Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash
Theatrical film trilogy directed by Shukou Murase set in Universal Century 0105, 12 years after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack. Adapted from the novels of the same name by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the film series follows protagonist Hathaway Noa, as he leads the anti-Earth Federation terrorist organization, Mafty, who assassinates corrupt high officials of the Federation government.
Gundam: Battle Operation 2 Celebrates 6th Anniversary Adding Xi Gundam from ‘Hathaway’s Flash’
The campaign will run from July 24 to August 21, 2024.
New ROBOT Spirits(Ka Signature) Xi Gundam Figure Releasing in December
The figure is priced at 33,000 yen.
Hathaway’s Flash Sequel ‘Sun of Bright’ Update: ‘a little more patience,’ says Producer Ogata
Part 2 was announced for production in 2021.
Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash Theme Song ‘Senkou’ Wins Bronze at 2024 JASRAC Awards
YOASOBI’s “Idol” won the gold award.
Moving Gundam Statue to Reperform Hathaway’s Flash Minovsky Flight for Golden Week
The performance will run from Saturday, April 29th to Sunday, May 7th
BNN’s New Logo Design Book Reveal Ununsed Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash Logo Concepts
The design collection releases February 20.
Bandai to Resell Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash Messer-F02 Model Kits
The gunpla will release in May 2023.
The First Episode of Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash TV Edition Named after Novel Chapter
Hathaway’s Flash begins January 15.
TV Editions of Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash, NT, and Thunderbolt to Air January to March
Hathaway’s Flash begins January 15.