The official Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury website recently published an interview with the lead mechanical designer for the series, JNTHED. The interview covers how the designer joined the series, as well as some interesting design revelations for the series main Gundam type mobile suit, XVX-016 Gundam Aerial.
The interview continues to talk a bit about Gundam Aerial‘s successor form, XVX-016RN Gundam Aerial Rebuild.
Last Wednesday, Bandai Namco Holdings released their financial highlights of the fiscal year, which ended on March 31, 2023. The conglomerate reported that the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise earned 131.3 billion yen across the group’s subsidiaries, a first for the iconic mecha franchise.
This marks a 29% increase from the previous year, when it earned 101.7 billion yen, and a 10.3% increase from the Bandai Namco‘s initial 119 billion full year projections. Bandai Namco now projects that the franchise will earn 135 billion yen in the next fiscal year.
In March, Bandai‘s President and Representative Director Masaru Kawaguchi explained “With Mobile Suit Gundam, the plastic model of the Gundam[Aerial] that played the lead role in Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury recorded strong results. Among the HG TV series lead role Gundam versions, it had the highest initial sales in history, and it currently continues to be popular.” The Bandai Namco head continued to note how the Witch from Mercury has attracted new fans such as young people and women, generating substantial buzz.
Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury is directed by Kiznaiver‘s Hiroshi Kobayashi, and penned by Code Geass scribe, Ichiro Ohkouchi. The tagline of the series is “This witch…rides a Gundam”. The series began broadcast October 2, 2022 on twenty-eight of MBS and TBS TV networks on their 5pm “Nichigo” anime block, as well as simulcasted internationally. The Witch from Mercury completed its twelve episode first season in January and began Season 2 on April 9, 2023.
Source: Official Website
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