The official Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation website has announced the serialization of a manga adaptation of their latest Code Fairy video game installment.
The manga begins serialization December 25, 2021 in the February 2022 issue of Gundam Ace, the official Kadokawa-published monthly Gundam manga magazine, penned by REVOLT’s Shuei Takagi.
First announced October 7, Bandai Namco Entertainment’s Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation: Code Fairy is now available to play.
Releasing to Sony Interactive Entertainment’s PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles, Code Fairy tells an original story surrounding the “Noisy Fairy” – a secret unit led by pilot cadet Alma Stilner and under the direct control of Kycilia Zabi of the Principality of Zeon. During the “One Year War,” the unit struggles to break through into the continent of North America which is where the game’s story picks up. Code Fairy is said to be a tale of unbreakable bonds formed in the midst of the brutality of war.
Possessing the same battle system as Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2, the story of the game consists of fifteen episodes divided into three volumes; releasing November 5, November 19, and December 3.
Masayoshi Tanaka serves as character designer(Anohana, Darling in the FRANXX) for the game, with Kyoshi Takigawa on mechanical designs, and Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative’s Toshikazu Yoshizawa directs the project as well as animation direction and storyboards. Popular anisong artist Maon Kurosaki performs the game’s theme songs “Fly high the ’Fairy’” and “Lights.”.
- Ayane Sakura as Alma Stilner
- Yō Taichi as Helena Hegel
- Hiyori Kono as Mia Brinkmann
- Kana Ueda as Killy Garrett
- Nao Fujita as Irmela Gruber
- Aya Uchida as Barbara Hahil
- Sumire Uesaka as Lilith Aidan
Source: Official Website
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