Following the finale of the Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE series, Bandai Hobby Division wasted no time to announce the release of their next Gundam Build series venture. Unveiled last February, Gundam Build Divers Battlogue celebrates the 40th anniversary of Gundam model kits. Much like Gundam Build Fighters:Battlogue, the series will be an ONA(Original Net Animation) and feature fan voted “dream battles”. Beginning in November, Gundam Build Divers Battlogue will have five episodes set to stream every Thursday on the Japanese-based “Gundam Channel” and the international “Gundam Info” YouTube channels.
In 2017 Sunrise released Gundam Build Fighters: Battlogue , a five episode ONA series featuring “dream battles” with various characters and Gunpla from the Gundam Build Fighters and Gundam Build Fighters Try series.
Source: Bandai Hobby
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