The official Twitter account for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury has released a sixth set of smartphone wallpapers. This set features two versions based on the character sheet for the Beguir-Beu in varying sizes to correspond with different phone models. They are available for fans to use in anticipation for the upcoming TV anime. The Beguir-Beu is one of the new mobile suits to be featured in The Witch from Mercury PROLOGUE episode.
Version 1
— 機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 (@G_Witch_M) June 5, 2022
▼公式サイト水星の魔女 #G_Witch
Version 2
— 機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 (@G_Witch_M) June 5, 2022
▼公式サイト水星の魔女 #G_Witch
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury PROLOGUE was announced at the 3rd Gundam Conference as a prequel episode for the series, releasing this summer. The PROLOGUE will premiere at the GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -LINK THE UNIVERSE multi-venue event at the Gundam Base Virtual World and the four life-sized Gundam statue sites: Gundam Factory Yokohama in Yokohama, Gundam Unicorn in Odaiba, Freedom Gundam in Shanghai, and RX-93ffν Gundam in Fukuoka. Included with the PROLOGUE are two new mobile suits: Gundam Lfrith and Beguir-Beu.
The Bandai Namco Group’s cross-sectional “Gundam Project” team held their 3rd Gundam Conference in March, presided by chief Gundam officer Koji Fujiwara to outline its plans for the Gundam franchise. This included the release of the first teaser PV for their upcoming The Witch from Mercury TV anime. The teaser shows a female protagonist and her main mobile suit, the Gundam Aerial.
Japanese TV broadcasters MBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System) and TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) announced in January the revival of their Sunday 5pm anime block,“Nichigo”, and that The Witch from Mercury would be the first to occupy this time slot in five years. The series will broadcast this fall in October 2022.
Source: G-Witch Twitter
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