To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Gundam franchise, an anniversary special was live-streamed on the official Gundam and Bandai YouTube channels. The show featured guests Toru Furuya, Tomokazu Seki, Kana Ichinose, and Neki Matsuzawa as the MC for the event. Along with revealing 45th anniversary logos and visuals, the three lead cast members talked about their experiences as voice actors for Gundam protagonists.
One of the major announcements made during the show was the launch of the “Gundam GWX 30th Anniversary Project,” to celebrate the start of the Gundam franchise’s “alternative” series. Releasing in 1994, Mobile Fighter G Gundam depicts the first major Gundam entry not set within the franchise’s long running Universal Century timeline. Over the next three years, various anniversary projects will be implemented, beginning with Mobile Fighter G Gundam, followed by New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, and After War Gundam X. The anniversary project key visual was shown during the live stream featuring the three series’ respective protagonists Domon Kasshu, Heero Yuy, and Garrod Ran in tuxedos surrounded by confetti.
During the live-stream Mobile Fighter G Gundam’s 30th anniversary logo and concept art of a new character were revealed for its new project.
Domon Kasshu actor Tomokazu Seki provided no further information on the new project, but future updates will be posted on Gundam Info and the official home page.
Source: Gundam Info
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