Released in 2014, Gundam Reconguista in G celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Gundam franchise and saw the return of Gundam creator himself, Yoshiyuki Tomino helming an entry for the first time in fifteen years since 1999’s Turn-A Gundam.
While there was much excitement to see the return of Tomino at the helm coupled with the series’s fresh designs and stunning, vibrant animation, it was met with great criticism. The series gained a sort of infamy among viewers for its break neck pacing, confused story line and almost unintelligible dialogue. Tomino himself admitted to the series’s issues.
The director would later have the chance retell the series in the form of five compilation films. The film series was announced in November 2018 as a part of the Mobile Suit Gundam 40th Anniversary Project. The compilations were to include new scenes and newly recorded, updated dialogue. The first entry in the film series is Gundam Reconguista in G the Movie I: Go! Core Fighter that released in Japan on November 29, 2019, with a Blu-ray/DVD on January 28, 2020.
This first film covers the material from episodes 1-5 and was an absolute improvement on the TV series, correcting its pacing issues and the improved dialogue made the story, characters and world building flow more naturally. Viewers are able to get a better sense of the series conflicts and themes with the nations warring over resources due to the Capital’s monopoly over the coveted “Photon Batteries”, the classism against the Kuntala, and the controversy of their growing militarism violating certain technological taboos. We are able to resonate with the characters more and their motivations such as Bellri Zenam’s incentive to relucantly fight along side the Pirate Corps and Aida Surugan’s turmoil of losing a beloved officer in Captain Cahill.
The next entry in the film series is Gundam Reconguista in G the Movie II: Bellri’s Fierce Charge. The film releases to Japanese theaters February 21, 2020 with Blu-ray/DVD release on March 27.
Source: Anime News Network(Quotes), Right Stuf(Synopses)
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