The MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam joins the Ka signature series produced under the complete supervision of renowned Gundam mechanical designer Hajime Katoki. METAL ROBOT SPIRITS, is a brand under the ROBOT SPIRITS line of high end mecha action figures featuring die-cast metal parts and joints.
The MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam served as the titular mobile suit for the 1985 Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam series. The mobile suit was piloted by protagonist Kamille Bidan as his “upgrade” machine from the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II.
The Zeta Gundam figure has an articulating frame made of die-cast metal parts enabling a stable transformation mechanism. It has a natural silhouette despite being a transforming mobile suit and die-cast metal landing gear parts are included to recreate its parked state. The hatches for the Grenade Launchers have an opening and closing mechanism, and the cartridge exchanging functions have also been recreated.
The various main armaments such as the Hyper Mega Launcher and Beam Rifle are also included. The Hyper Mega Launcher can be connected to the main unit of the Zeta with dedicated arm parts. Decals and markings designed by Katoki have also been applied to various sections of the main body and weapons.
METAL ROBOT SPIRITS (Ka signature) <SIDE MS> Zeta Gundam is priced at 16,500 yen with a June 2021 release date.
Source: Tamashii Nations
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