Legendary Comics, the comic book imprint of Legendary Entertainment, has prematurely ended its campaign for Gundam Breaker Battlogue: New Build. Co-produced with Rocketship Entertainment, the project was touted as the first Gundam graphic novel produced outside of Japan, the comic was to serve as a follow up to the 2021 ONA series, Gundam Breaker Battlogue.
The project ended with 389 backers, only achieving $41,992 of its $80,000 goal, approximately 52%. The campaign was originally set end on September 22, 2023.
Legendary Comics updated the campaign about the cancellation in a statement:
Dear Backers:
We greatly appreciate your support on this campaign. Despite our efforts, we feel we will not achieve the goal to get this project funded despite the time remaining because we are just not getting the broad support we need. Therefore, we are very reluctantly going to cancel the campaign and revisit the project at a later date.
Thank you again.
Releasing in October 2021, Sunrise produced a six-episode ONA(original net animation) series as a tie-in to the Gundam Breaker Mobile game, titled Gundam Breaker Battlogue. The anime featured characters from both Gundam Breaker Mobile and Gundam Breaker 3, as well as a new line of Gundam model kits, including Gundam Breaker Mobile‘s signature MSB-GH03 Gundam Helios.
The anime series was directed by the renowned Masami Obari, scripted by Lepton’s Yuichiro Kitaoki and So Mayumi, character designs by taiki and Yuriko Chiba, with a mechanical design team consisting of Kunio Okawara, Kanetake Ebikawa, Kotaro Ando, Kyoryu Kuramochi, Kyoshi Takigawa, and Naohiro Washio.
First announced in 2018, a live-action Gundam film is in production by Legendary Entertainment and Sunrise. In April 2021, the long obscured film landed its director with Kong: Skull Island’s Jordan Vogt-Roberts, of Legendary’s Monsterverse film franchise. The film will exclusively stream on Netflix internationally, with the exception of China, in which Legendary will head distribution.
In November 2021, the first production image from the film was released during Netflix‘s Geeked Week, showcasing a damaged, fiery mobile suit from Lucasfilm‘s Industrial Light & Magic visual effects studio.
Source: Kickstarter
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