In the wake of the release of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury PROLOGUE, Bandai Namco’s hobby business subsidiary, Bandai Spirits has announced the release of Suletta Mercury appearing in their Figure-rise Standard line of character model kits.
Suletta Mercury is the protagonist of the upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury TV anime, portrayed by Kana Ichinose. Suletta is described as second-year student in the piloting department, who transferred to the school from Mercury. Suletta is timid and somewhat lacks communication skills. She is the pilot of the Gundam Aerial developed on Mercury.
The Witch from Mercury will be directed by Kiznaiver‘s Hiroshi Koyabashi, and penned by Code Geass scribe, Ichiro Ohkouchi. Original Character Design is by Mogumo, while the animation Character Designers are Marie Tagashira, Juri Toida, and Hirotoshi Takaya. The tagline of the series is “This witch…rides a Gundam”. The series will broadcast this fall in October 2022 on twenty-eight of MBS and TBS TV networks on their 5pm “Nichigo” anime block, as well as simulcasted internationally.
- Facial Expression Parts x 3
- Water Decals
- Hand Parts
- Haro
The Figure-rise Standard Suletta Mercury is priced at 3,520 yen with an October 2022 release date. Bandai Spirits has also announced the release of the Figure-rise Standard Miorine Rembran, priced at 3,530 yen with a November 2022 release date.
Source: Bandai Hobby
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