Gundam Park Fukuoka was announced September 2021 as a new Gundam-themed entertainment complex developed and managed by Bandai Namco Amusement Inc. and Bandai Spirits, based around the RX-93ff Nu Gundam at Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport FUKUOKA.
More details of the facility have been released by the Bandai-Namco Group, along with an official website. Located on the fourth floor of Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport FUKUOKA in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Gundam Park Fukuoka is said to be the birth of a new Gundam entertainment complex where information, merchandise, sports entertainment, and amusement of the Gundam series are gathered in one place. The facility is set to open April 2022.
The facility consists of three areas: Gundam Side-F, VS PARK with G, and namco.
Gundam Side-F is an area that provides various Gundam information and goods. The area is designed to look like a space colony, with a 10m x 6m monitor where guests can enjoy various visuals. Near the monitor there is a space for building model kits.
VS PARK with G is collaboration between the Gundam franchise with the Bandai-Namco-operated VS PARK, a new sports facility where guests experience silly Japanese game show-esque activities. The area will provide more than twenty activities such as “Yokekiru” and “Nigekiru”.
Namco is an area where guests can enjoy arcade and crane games. The area will include games for all ages, capsule toys, prizes, Gundam Park Exclusive Taiko no Tatsujin game, as well as Gundam specific arcade games such as Mobile Suit Gundam Senjo no Kizuna II.
Based on Amuro Ray’s RX-93 Nu Gundam from the 1988 Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack film, originally designed by Yutaka Izubuchi, the RX-93ff version sports a new long-range Fin Funnel and tricolor markings designed under the supervision of Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino.
Set fourteen years after the One Year War in U.C. 0093, Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack serves as the final confrontation between legendary rivals Amuro Ray and Char Aznable. Char has risen to power as leader of Neo Zeon and plans an all-out assault to decimate the Earth’s population to revive the planet. Released to theaters in 1988, Char’s Counterattack adapted Yoshiyuki Tomino’s 1987 Mobile Suit Gundam High-Streamer novel, grossing 1.16 billion yen at the box office.
Source: Official Website
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