Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans recently held their 5th anniversary “Iron-Blooded Day” event via live stream. The event was hosted by series co-leads Kengo Kawanishi and Yoshimasa Hosoya, who portrayed Mikazuki Augus and Orga Itsuka respectively. The anniversary event featured various cast and staff members from the series, key moments from episodes, music clips, as well as Wagakki performances heard in the series.
Producers Masakazu Ogawa(Sunrise BEYOND) and Yasunori Fujiwara(Bandai Namco) were in attendance to present major updates on the long awaited, new mobile app Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans G. The app will include two primary games, Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans, an original game where players can re-experience seasons one and two of the TV series through game play, and Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans:Urðr-Hunt, a new story taking place between seasons one and two. Both games will include anime and game play components. The app will release on Android and iOS, however there are no further developments on a release date. A new preview for the game was released showcasing game play, combat mechanics and anime cut scenes.
Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urðr-Hunt is set in the year P.D. 323. Gjallarhorn’s political interference in Arbrau escalated into an armed conflict and came to an end thanks to Tekkadan. News of Tekkadan’s exploits has also reached the ears of Wistario Afam, a young man born and raised at the Radonitsa Colony near Venus. Venus, which lost to Mars in the initial contest for colony development, is a remote planet in which the four economic blocs have little interest. It is now used as a penal colony for criminals, whose inhabitants don’t even have IDs. Wistario, who hopes to change the status quo of his homeland, encounters a girl who claims to be the guide to the “Urðr-Hunt”.
Director Tatsuyuki Nagai and composer Masaru Yokoyama are returning to their roles for the spin-off game, with Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai’s Hajime Kamoshida for series composition. The cast for the game has yet to be announced.
Source: Official Website
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