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LUNA SEA to get Their Own Master Grade Gunpla for 30th Anniversary
Japanese rock band LUNA SEA has announced a collaboration for their 30th anniversary with Gunpla’s 40th anniversary in the form of a limited edition Master Grade 1/100 MS-06 Zaku II. Labeled The Beyond Gunpla 40th Edition The Beyond x MS-06 Zaku II Ver. LUNA SEA, the model kit will be released April 29th. Included with the …

Hiroko Moriguchi to Release 2nd Gundam Song Covers Album
Following the success of Hiroko Moriguchi’s Gundam Song Covers album, a sequel album has been announced by King Records. The sequel production decision was made after much positive reception and outcry for more albums from social media and across the web. The sequel album is scheduled to release early summer 2020, and voting for the …